How To 100% Pass 70-411 Exam: Exam 70-411 has been updated for few days, if you are preparing 70-411 exam and want to pass it exam easily, we recommend you to take the new 70-411 301q exam questions into your heart, and we PassLeader now are sharing the latest and updated 70-411 301q braindumps with VCE and PDF file, we have corrected all the new questions of our 70-411 VCE and PDF practice test and will help you 100% passing 70-411 exam.
You have a DNS server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2012 R2. On Server1, you create a DNS zone named You need to specify the email address of the person responsible for the zone. Which type of DNS record should you configure?
A. Start of authority (SOA)
B. Mail exchanger (MX)
C. Host information (HINFO)
D. Mailbox (MB)